Welcome to alexlauzier.com: Let's unwind, learn and elevate!

Welcome to alexlauzier.com: Let's unwind, learn and elevate!

Wow, it feels cool to have a website! It might not be a huge achievement in today's day and age, but it marks the beginning of this new chapter that I'm entering... and that I'm going to share with you all! Through my posts and this website, I aim to connect with people who share my values and interests. It could be anything from movies, books, tech, fitness, gaming, etc. Hopefully, my content will resonate with you and add value to your life in some way; that is my main intention.

In a fast-moving world, it sometimes feels like we are more disconnected than ever, even with the constant evolution of technology. I'm here to create a cozy virtual hangout spot where like-minded souls can come together. Having grown up practically with a mouse and keyboard in my hands, I've found that the most life-altering, pivotal things in my life have almost always been discovered through the internet. And here I am today, on a search for more of those things that can make life more enjoyable and stress-free.

My dad told me from a young age that I was a social chameleon (he didn't use those words; he speaks French, but that's what he meant 😂). I have a lot of interests and hobbies, so it's generally effortless for me to connect with people on something. One thing that has been challenging, though, is finding people who hold value to me (and I don't mean it in a manipulative way—I would feel too bad if I felt I was using someone without providing something beneficial in return). But that's what I'm looking for at this moment, anyway.

The real inspiration that drove me to start writing online is this book called Show Your Work by Austin Kleon.

Online, everyone—the artist and the curator, the master and the apprentice, the expert and the amateur—
has the ability to contribute something.

There were so many good quotes and valuable insights in this book (which is very short) for anyone who has a creative outlet or wants to share things online. The essential message is that putting your work out there has massive benefits. Writing is also a useful skill to have in my opinion. I wish I can someday master the art of sharing content in which I can provide valuable information while keeping it fun and engaging.

Before I sign off, I want to sincerely thank each and every one of you for taking some of your precious time to visit my page and read my work. I hope I can turn alexlauzier.com into a "breath of fresh air" for what it's worth. Please hit that subscribe button, drop some comments, and let's make this place our own little corner of the internet where we can all thrive.

Cheers to new beginnings and endless possibilities!

— Alex